The designer heard the wrong word for this unique building

Many people have seen mosques in their travels, surrounded by minarets . The Grand Mosque of Mecca, the first mosque in Islam, has the largest number of 7 minarets (initially 5), while mosques in other regions commonly build 4 minarets to show respect to the Grand Mosque of Mecca and to show the symmetry of the architecture.
But in Istanbul, there was a mosque that went beyond the rules and built six minarets, and this was because the architects of the time heard the word "gold" as "six roots".
At that time, there were only five minarets in the Grand Mosque of Mecca, and the emperor did not want to tear down the current to
wers, but also could not disrespect the holy places, so he paid for the Grand Mosque to add two more, so this unique tower in the world was preserved.
This mosque, built in the 17th century, is one of the most important buildings in Istanbul and is also known as the "Blue Mosque" because its walls are decorated with blue and white tiles.
With 260 small windows, the sunlight shines through the glass, and the view is beautiful at different times.
More than 20,000 basket-colored tiles on a white background with rich patterns and designs, combined with the light from all angles, blue and gold are intertwined, is a kind of indescribable beauty.
Together with the carpets from the Isopia pilgrimage, and the art of Arabic calligraphy on the great pillars, they form the unique flavor of the Blue Mosque.
Many non-Muslim religion tourists also come to this building in order to appreciate it, and it can be said that it is a must-see place in Istanbul.