Taste the hot and spicy Mexican food and experience Mexico on the tip of your tongue

Mexican food is one of the world's most famous cuisines, and the special spices add a lot of wonderful flavors to many of the ingredients, so be sure to try the local authentic Mexican cuisine in Mexico. Mexican cuisine is mainly spicy, and the inhabitants of the interior often use turtles, snakes, squirrels, and stone chickens in their dishes, and the most characteristic vegetables are fried cactus and cactus balls. Here, follow me to try a few of Mexico's most prestigious Mexican cuisine!
(1) Burrito
Ingredients: beef, colored peppers, onions.
Practice: beef cut into dice, add ginger, garlic, salt, sugar, pepper, soy sauce, wine, etc. mix and marinate for more than 20 minutes; skewer a small red pepper with a barbecue fork, and then skewer a piece of beef, a small piece of onion, a piece of beef, so the cycle of skewers; skewers of beef placed in the grill, baked until cooked. Brush lightly with a little oil while it is grilling.
What: For passionate Americans, large pieces of grilled meat are an indispensable and delicious part of their daily diet. It is understood that the focus of grilling is on the sauce, and the grilled meat with special sauce and spices has a special fragrance in the mouth and the meat is tender and appetizing.
(2) Mexican todilla soup
Ingredients: onions, tomatoes, garlic, Mexican crushed flakes, corn kernels, avocado.
Directions: Boil chicken soup with tomatoes, onions, garlic, and Mexican flakes together, then put out the hot bottom; when serving, put Mexican flakes and corn kernels in an empty bowl first, then pour the soup in, and finally add avocado.
Features: Todilla soup is a very traditional and authentic Mexican soup, a sip, extremely strong acidity and garlic flavor will make people feel more stimulated, the taste of strong aroma after the tongue.
For centuries, corn has been the main character of Mexican food. Taco, made from corn, is also the most basic and unique Mexican food. This is a corn fried pancake, fried to form a kind of purse, hard, crunchy, eat, customers can add their own preferences to the charcoal chicken strips or beef sauce, and then add tomatoes, shredded lettuce, tortilla cheese and other ingredients, looks extra colorful, just like a work of art. After wrapping, into the mouth a bite, the outside is crisp, but inside there are fragrant, spicy, sour, sweet all the flavors, just soft, mixed with multiple flavors, really call people "love it".
(4) spicy steak
Usually eaten in the restaurant steak, most people do not add any seasoning, sometimes adding a little more salt. But the Mexican steak is different, you can see it is first marinated with chili, salt and other seasonings, fried, even without sauce is very tasty. It is worth mentioning that people usually think that New Zealand's beef is the best, in fact, Mexico's beef and New Zealand's beef is also comparable, smooth and light.