Taste of Colombia, follow this food guide to enjoy the blooming of your taste buds

Colombia is a beautiful country with a lot to see, but just as importantly, a lot of food that you've never tasted or even heard of. Let's dive into Colombia's food culture and take a look at its classic dishes and the stories of its top chefs.
Colombia's cuisine is as popular as its highly intermingled culture, with a mix of flavors from Spain, India and Africa. From Sancocho and Arepa to the highly iconic Bandeja paisa, Colombian cuisine has taken its place in Latin America and the world.
Arepas is a pasta dish made from fried and baked corn flour that goes perfectly with all three meals of the day. Not only that, but you can add any food to the tortilla and never get tired of eating it.
Tamales are usually thought of as a Mexican delicacy, but they are common throughout Latin America. Tamales are also served in different regions of Colombia, and are delicious in Tolima, Santa Elena and Bogotá.
3、Bandeja paisa
This is a platter with a great variety of dishes: beef, sausage, rice, fried meat, morcilla, eggs, avocado, navy beans, tortillas and banana slices. This platter is quite a generous dish in Antioquia, especially in Medellin. As delicious as it is, eating it all can be a challenge for visitors.
4、fried meat
Fritanga is one of the best Colombian street foods. This snack varies from place to place, but is essentially a platter of meat, complemented by cheese, potatoes, eggs and avocados, served with a special sauce.
Roasted suckling pig, also known as Lechona Rellena, requires the pork to be marinated with onions, garlic foam, salt, pepper and cumin before being roasted. This is a famous dish in the Tolima region, but it can be tasted all over the country, with subtle differences in flavor from one region to another. Roasted suckling pig is usually served with grilled tortillas, seasoned with a light dressing, and is definitely one of Colombia's most mouth-watering specialties.
6、Carne a la llanera
Also known as plains veal, plains carne a la llanera is a meat that is first marinated in beer and spices and then cooked in a wire cage. This delicacy is usually served with potatoes and cassava, topped with sauce and a sip of beer.
Mondongo, made from the offal of cows, is one of the oldest dishes in Colombia, dating back to colonial times. In the old days, animal offal was usually eaten by the poorer classes, but as times progressed, the dish was officially brought to the table and became one of the most popular dishes in Colombia.
Sancocho is a common recipe in several Latin American countries and can be considered the epitome of Latin American culture. In Colombia, special seasonings are added to the soup to give this dish a unique flavor.
9、egg and milk soup
Indeed, among the many Colombian cuisines, soup is unique. Among the white soups, the changua is the first. This soup is very easy to make and requires only toast, butter, milk, eggs, onions, salt and parsley. It is usually served for breakfast with chocolate, tortillas and cheese cakes
10、Plátano maduro relleno
It is well known that bananas have an important place in Colombian recipes and have deep historical roots. Stuffed bananas are usually made from ripe bananas, stuffed with ground beef, onions and bleu cheese, and sprinkled with cumin and chili pepper for an exotic taste.